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  • Writer's pictureBrean Jobs

Why mental health matters...

Mental health is very topical at the moment but what does it mean to us?

Sarah House (Director) told us why it’s important to have a healthy team.

'How someone is feeling is paramount to how they perform and feel at work. Little things at work and home can trigger symptoms and signs. It's important as a management team we are there to spot any of these to be able to support employees before any further problems develop.

The more that can be done to support managers in learning more about mental health, and link managers to others so they can share what’s working and what’s not, the better.

This week our management team underwent a mental health awareness session to help improve our knowledge of mental health. We looked at signs and symptoms, conditions and how we can support our team members in an interactive session. We looked at the 5 ways to well-being. 

We also have a recently qualified mental health first aider to help support individuals and the business. 

Once a year, this year being the third year we hold a health and well-being day which is the opportunity for our team to meet a range of products and services all on site from mini heath checks to physiotherapy, healthy eating and stopping smoking etc. We also offer a subsided gym membership to help our team keep active. Our team at all levels have access to a 24 hour helpline which is confidential and not part of business operation. 

If we can encourage our team to be open about mental health and not afraid to talk, we can improve awareness and in turn efficiency and happiness both at home and work. 

Next week we are encouraging our team members to take part in International Day of Happiness by encouraging everyone to wear something bright and focusing on what makes us happy.

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