Work is underway and the pledge made to become a COVID secure business as we prepare to welcome team members and guests safely back to our Resort and visitor attractions.
This is a significant job reviewing all government and industry guidance to complete risk assessments for our team and guests and operational procedures that relate to social distancing, cleaning and hygiene and assessing tasks that can be done with less face to face interaction and people to people contact. Involving our managers and teams in the process to identify the best methods to do this.
As a mixed business with several different areas almost all types of government guidance applies to us. We also belong to several trade bodies and have been benchmarking ideas, policies and procedures so as an industry we are all heading in the same direction and adopting good, sensible, safe practices.

We are expecting a staged return to business. With the golf course already open and running well to strict COVID procedures such as pre booking, not arriving more than 20 minutes before a tee time, hand sanisiter station before playing and amended play rules to keep the players and our team safe. The Country Club inside areas remain closed at this time. This was followed by our car park opening toilets and take away ice cream allowing us to put measures in place such as closing off every other toilet cubicle, sink management and an outside sanitising station. Within the ice cream outlet a perspex screen and drop table to ensure social distancing were some of the control measures in place.

We are expecting the next stage of opening being from the 4 July where we hope to welcome holiday home owners and then some holiday guests. Outdoor markets are also planned to return. Indoor recreation such as the waterpark, soft play, gym and bars are all unknown at this stage. We have a prepared a return to work program for our team members. A video was made explaining the precautions and changes that are being made to the workplace to keep team members up to date and to provide reassurance in our processes going forward. We will be collecting information on team members circumstances before returning and requiring them to complete online training on COVID awareness and infection control. Finally we will be communicating our COVID policy and risk assessment for the area they will be working in followed by practical training in their area of work. Everything will be focused around social distancing, regular hand washing and cleaning. Sarah House HR Director commented. ‘Times are different as we adjust to the new normal. We need to take our team with us and ensure they are confident and most importantly safe in their return to work. There will be several hurdles to overcome, some areas will present big challenges in social distancing which could delay opening as they must be safe and we will not compromise on safety. We are not expecting to be able to offer all facilities straight away and in some cases indoor facilities for a significant period of time. This means a constant assessment of our team levels and use of the government furlough scheme. The biggest hurdle of all being dates for re-opening different areas coming from the government as whilst we appreciate they are relevant to the 'R' rate we have absolutely no idea when some attractions such as the Waterpark or soft play will open. This makes managing current food and drink stock and staff planning very difficult. Our social media channels are flooded with questions we are unable to answer. Holidays and weddings postponed and everything crossed for them 2nd time round’ Visitors and guests will be asked to play their part when we do open and we have already started to update guests on what they can expect and likely amended operation via our website. In order to remain COVID secure we will require our guests to play their part by
Not visiting if then or a member of their household is experiencing COVID symptoms or shielding.
Following all signage and floor markings and remaining 2m apart at all times
Washing / sanitising hands regularly
Supervising children at all times
